
Depression can be a considerable challenge for those that suffer from it. Depression is a profound sadness that affects everything you do, taking the happiness out of events you used to enjoy, sapping your energy levels, and making it seem like nothing is going right.

Depression is a very real condition, and one that benefits from psychological care. In order to break the cycle of depression, it is important to contact a psychologist – someone that is trained to provide effective psychological services to those suffering from depression and sadness.

Help With Your Negative Emotions

Depression genuinely changes your brain. It alters brain chemistry and thought processes in a way that can self-perpetuate. Depression takes several forms as well, some include:

  • Major Depressive Disorder – Major depression is severe depression that interferes with your ability to work or have a personal life, including severe fatigue, sadness, sleep issues, eating issues, and possible suicidal ideation.
  • Dysthymia – Dysthymia is a milder version of major depressive disorder, but one that lasts for two years or more. It is possible to have major depression while suffering from dysthymia, but in general the person is able to “manage” their life, just with significantly less contentment.
  • Bipolar Disorder – Bipolar disorder, previously called manic depression, is a type of mood disorder that fluctuates between depression and mania.
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder – Seasonal depression is another form of depression where the individual experiences depression based on the season. It is believed that during this time the mind may be more sensitive to light, which causes a form of chemical depression.
  • Adjustment Disorder – A brief reaction to significant life events like the loss or a job, divorce or medical event, which results in depression is not unusual and does not have to define who you are. This form of depression is quite treatable and does successfully respond to support.

Each of these, if left untreated, can be debilitating and control the way you see the world. That is a problem, because depression makes it difficult to stop the negative ‘movie’ that replays in your head without outside help. Despite the clear distress that depression afflicts on the sufferer, it is treatable. Numerous studies have shown that cognitive behavioral counseling can manage symptoms. Medication may also offer support; this can be coordinated through your physician.

If you or your loved one is suffering from depression, care is available. The work needed to start to recover is possible. Remember, depression is a treatable condition, but you do need to get help. Healing takes time.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please complete the appointment form or call the office at (239) 434-2425.